Update history
Decemeber 2014
Updated 'Emissions Targets - Current UK Targets' page adding in the 3 carbon budgets. Also update the 'Consequences - Emission Scenarios' page to add in information about the new Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs).
17 October 2010
Extensive update to the Emissions pages, focused on UK targets and how they can have global influence. UK emissions are progress is brought up to date with final figures for 2008 and estimates for 2009. Work from the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is also summarised.
5 December 2010
Updates to information in all sections. Overhauled the Consequences, Emissions Targets and Personal Action pages: these now summarise their subjects better, with updated sub-pages to carry the detail. A new (cunning) Site Map has been added to enable quick navigation to any point in the site.
17 October 2010
Extensive update to the Emissions pages, focused on UK targets and how they can have global influence. UK emissions are progress is brought up to date with final figures for 2008 and estimates for 2009. Work from the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) is also summarised.
April 2010
Update to the Intro page, and to the section aims statements for all main topic pages.
Update to the climate sceptics page with new info - investigations into climategate find no malpractice.
March 2010
Updated Consequences - This section looks at the consequences of changing weather patterns, and other associated impacts, to try and understand what they will mean for you and me. A lot of work has been carried out on these pages over the past couple of weeks. I look at climate change in detail for Reading, to help to make things as visual and easy to understand as I can. I then explore how this will compare for the rest of the world. Emission scenarios are justified according to my findings based on the pledges to the Copenhagen Accord.
February 2010
Updated About Climate Change? - This section discusses what climate change is an why it is happening. Recent updates include: a look at the recent harsh winter weather across the UK, Northern Europe, China and central USA. This was not evidence that global warming is not happening, in fact the rest of the world experienced notably warm weather for December 2009 / January.
Updated Consequences - This section looks at the consequences of changing weather patterns, and other associated impacts, to try and understand what they will mean for you and me. This is a work in progress. The latest updates are to the page on emission scenarios, and my assessment of which ones we might be following based on the pledges to the Copenhagen Accord.
Updated Emission Targets - This section looks at UK and Global emission targets, and how well we are doing at following them. Over the last couple of weeks I have looked in to the pledges that 55 countries made to the Copenhagen Accord. I have analysed these to work out what they really mean and how good will they be at restricting climate change: they are not strong enough but hopefully are a step in the right direction.
January 2010
Updated all sections of the site apart from Political Action. This has added in information from Copenhagen summit, updates to the science, the "climategate" story. It has also been an exercise in making sure things are more consistent across the site.
October 2009
New version of the site rewritten during 2009. Launch event: The Something for Copenhagen gig was held at South Street Arts Center(in Reading) on the 5th December.
December 2007
Original version of the site completed. Defunct pages are here.
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