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Climate Change Information What is Climate Change? Consequences Emissions Targets Personal Action
.Update history
..5 December 2010
About this website
.Guide to these pages
Contacting me
Closing remarks
.Beware climate change sceptics
..The 'climategate scandal'
..News update - April 2010
.The Freezing Winter 2009-10 does not mean that Global Warming is not happening
..Why it was so cold for us this winter
What is climate change?
.A simple explanation of Human induced Climate Change
..Links to more sources of information
The authoritative view
.IPCC website
.Economics of Climate Change
.Copenhagen Diagnosis
Global climate change
.Emission Scenarios
.How will global temperatures change?
..Changes to global average temperature
..What does the 2ºC limit look like?
..How does it vary across the world?
But what does it mean for me?
.What climate change am I interested in?
..Which emission scenario?
..How do I find the climate change data?
...UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP)
.....and what likelihood am I interested in?
...Explaining probability using dice
....Rolling two normal dice
....What about imperfect dice?
....UKCP09 probabilistic data
....Choosing a range of probabilities from UKCP09
.Temperature changes in March
...Atmospheric Observatory
..Long term averages & Comparison between years
..Bands for the 1980-2009 period
..Projections for March
...Daily Maximum Temperature Changes in March
....Probability range
....Time and space
....Hottest day
...Daily Minimum Temperature Changes in March
....Probability range
....Time and space
....Coldest night
.Temperature changes in August
..Long term averages & Comparison between years
..Projections for August
...Daily Maximum Temperature Changes in August
....Probability range
....Time and space
....Hottest day
...Daily Minimum Temperature Changes in August
....Probability range
....Time and space
....Coldest night
.Seasonal climate changes in 2050s Reading
..Seasonal comparisons
..Differences between emission scenarios
.Consequences for Reading
.What are the consequences of these changes?
...Global consequences map
..More on consequences
.Knock on effects for Reading
..Global issues that effect us
..Final points to consider
UK Emissions
.UK emission targets
..Our greenhouse gas "basket"
..What does this mean for UK CO2 targets?
.Where to target our efforts
..Carbon dioxide emissions by sector
..Electricity generation (power stations)
..Other gases
..Emissions Trading
.Plans to meet UK targets
..Plans to meet our targets
The bigger picture
.How UK targets might influence China
.How UK might influence World targets
...The historical influence of the UK
...Embedded Emissions
..Global convergence with UK targets
..Compared to the Emission Scenarios (SRES)
.New UK targets
.Some lingering concerns
Global Emissions
.Global emissions progress
..International emissions data
.What does the Copenhagen Accord mean?
..Emissions reduction pledges
.Global emissions conclusions
1.  Stop wasting energy
2.  Get informed
.Personal energy footprint
...Sustainable Energy - without the hot air
..Alternative units - thinking in terms of tea
..Some examples
3.  Start changing your lifestyle
.Personal Action - What you can do
..More information and campaign groups
...Act On CO2
...10:10 campaign
...Carbon off-setting and the rainforests
....How does that compare to my total emissions per year?
....Off-setting our indulgences
....The rainforests
.Getting Political & working together
..Some bigger ideas that you might want to consider
4.  Don't forget about adaptation
.Personal Adaptation